Are you tried of formatting the xml ? Here the solution to automate the process in Editplus.
Download the latest version of Editplus.
Step 1 : Save the below script as xmlformattingscript.js.
var stdin = WScript.StdIn;
var stdout = WScript.StdOut;
var xml = WScript.createObject("MSXML2.DomDocument");
xml.loadXML(stdin.ReadAll().replace(/\t/g, '').replace(/\r|\n/g, '').replace(/\>\</g, '>\n<'));
stdout.Write(xml.xml.substr(0, xml.xml.length-2));
Step 2 : Open Editplus and navigate to Tools –> Configure user tools… –> Add tools –> Program
Step 3 : In Menu text box type XML Formatter
Step 4 : In Command box type
cscript //NoLogo “path to xmlformattingscript.js”
Step 5 : Check the “Run as text filter”.
Step 6 : Apply and OK.
Testing the tool
1) Open unformatted xml file.
</text> </root>
2) Tools –> XML Formatter
Formatted xml
Enjoy ;)
Thank you so much!! you saved my lot of time
Excellent ! THANKS
Excellent ! THANKS
Great! thanks
Extremely simple to setup and very useful for me to debug some Soap logs.. Thanks a million!!
AWESOME!.. thanks so much for this. Exactly what I was looking for and beautifully simple description of how to do it.
A couple of things, related with the new Editplus 3:
1.- You've got to save the JavaScript file under Editplus' installation folder; the program starts searching the script from there. And
2.- In the User Tool command definition, you must insert this code: "cscript //NoLogo //E:jscript [path_to_script]", select: "Current Line Text" or "Current Selection", acording with your needs, and "Run as text filter (Replace)".
Thanks anyway for the script; wonderful!
Thank you. It worked and helped me.
Just Awesome
Superb Amigo...It Helps a lot
Great tool; thank you for sharing!
I am using EditPlus v3.51 (463) and the instructions in the post worked perfectly.
The only difference I noticed was the need to select "Run as text filter (Replace)" from the dropdown instead of clicking the "Run as text filter" checkbox.
You just made my day!
I had use your instruction and Arturo Garcia Martin's instruction to get it working.
cscript //NoLogo "C:\Program Files (x86)\EditPlus 3\xmlformattingscript.js"
Argument: $(CurSel)
save and then select the xml file you want to format before running the tool.
Much Gratitude to Mr. BARATH. Very helpful tool.
I'm getting a strange result. If I open a 6MB XML file and then select the entire file (Edit > Select > Select All or just type Ctrl+A) and then run the script, I get:
Cannot create process.
The filename or extension is too long.
But... if I open the 6MB XML file and don't select any of the text and then run the script, then it works and produces a beautiful 230,411 line long XML document.
Thank you so much. You saved my day (and a lot of time)
Thank you so much. Very good tool!
Another thing...
New HTML5 Header TAG is unrecognizable: ""
An improved version:
var stdin = WScript.StdIn;
var stdout = WScript.StdOut;
var xmlDoc = WScript.createObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");
var text = stdin.ReadAll();
// First pass...
text = text.replace(/\t/g, '');
// Second pass...
text = text.replace(/\r|\n/g, '');
// Third pass...
text = text.replace(/\>\\n<');
// Load...
xmlDoc.loadXML( text );
// Output
if (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0) {
var myErr = xmlDoc.parseError;
WScript.Echo("You have error " + myErr.reason);
} else {
stdout.Write( xmlDoc.xml.substr(0, xmlDoc.xml.length-2) );
Excellent! You saved my day, Sir!
Thank you so much! :)
Excellent. Very Helpful. Thanks
Works Great, Thank you!
Thanks a lot for this nice script !
I'm getting :
Cannot create process.
The filename or extension is too long.
God bless you ..awesome !
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Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".js"".
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